
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Bolinho de queijo.

Scone de queijo. Excelente para Lunche

Pãozinho tradicionalmente consumidos no chá da tarde

50c Cada, mínimo encomenda  de  4

Thursday 9 August 2012

Queque Amora e Limão

Queque de Amora e Limão

Esta é uma receita muito fácil e econômica para queques
Eu cozinhei-los com meus filhos depois que tinha escolhido as amoras.


8 porções

75g Farinha de trigo 
75g Farinha intergral
4 Colheres de sopa de óleo de girassol
100g Açúcar
175g Amora 
1 Ovo grande
80ml Leite
1 Colher de sopa de fermento em pó
Casca de limão pequeno, ralado
2 Colheres de sopa de sumo de limão
1/4 Colher de cha de sal

Método de preparação

  1. Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ºC
  2. Numa taça misture todos os ingredientes secos.
  3. Em uma tigela misture todos os ingredientes molhadas
  4. Junte os ingredientes secos para os ingredients molhadas
  5. Misture levemente juntos. Tenha cuidado para não misturar mais
  6. Coloque a massa em forma de queque e leve ao forno durante de 20 minutos. 

Nutrition Facts per porção

Calories 214.g

Total Fat 7.7 g      
Saturated Fat 0.9 g   
Polyunsaturated Fat 4.7g      
Monounsaturated Fat 1.6 g  

Cholesterol 23.2 mg  
Sodium 154.6 mg  
Total Carbohydrate 33.2g      
Dietary Fiber 5.3 g      
Sugars 12.5 g  
Protein 3.4 g

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Burger de Chorizo e Grão de Bico

Saudável e Econômico. Burger de Chorizo e Grão de Bico



1 Chorizo Corrente
1 Lata  Grão de Bico 540g
2 Dentes de alho, picado
1 Cebola pequena, picado
100g Pimientos del piquillo, picado
50g Farinha de Milho
2 malagueta verde, picado
1/4 Colher de chá sal
1 Colher de sopa orégano
1 colher  de sopa cominho

Método de preparação

1. Picar levementa a lata grão de bico e chorizo corrente.
2. Junta o alho, cebola, pemento del piguillo,farinha de milho, pemento verde, sal cominho e orégano.
3. Combinar para fazer uma mistura firme.

4. Dividem-se em seis burgers 9cm - 3cm. 
5. Aqueça uma frigideira ao lume com um pouco azeite.
6. Cozinhe por 5 minutos burgers de cada lado  até que fiquem crocantes e servir.
7. Melhor servir em um prato ou em pão de hambúrguer ou pitaqueijo mozzarella,
grelhados legumes da estação e couscous com molhos de sua escolha.

Nutrition Facts per porção

Calories 270.9

Total Fat 13.3 g      
Saturated Fat 4.4 g   
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.2 g      
Monounsaturated Fat 5.6 g  

Cholesterol 26.4 mg  
Sodium 378.6 mg    
Total Carbohydrate 25.6 g         
Sugars 0.5 g  
Protein 13.0 g

Saturday 30 June 2012


Here is a selection of bread and buns that I make. All my bread is hand made and crafted, then cooked in a wood burning stove.

I can bake the following to order:
  • Ciabatta, plain, olive or sundried tomato
  • Multigrain loaf with sunflower seeds
  • Wholemeal seeded bloomer
  • Tiger bread
  • New Yourk Deli style
  • Linseed and Bran
  • Sandwich loaf, white or Wholemeal
  • Honey and Aniseed
  • Date and Almond
  • Pitta bread
  • Country Rye
  • Burger buns
  • Teacakes
  • Chelsea buns
  • Chocolate swirls
  • Hot cross buns
  • Croissants (cheese/ham, chocolate or plain)
  • Cinnamon loaf

Suggestions are always welcome! All the loaves are available as 6 rolls if desired.

Ciabatta, made with my mother in-laws cold pressed olive oil.
 Available in plain, olive and sundried tomato with provencal herb.

Multigrain and sunflower seeds.

Wholemeal seeded bloomer.

New York Deli style.

Linseed and Bran Loaf

Soft Sandwich Loaf

Classic American Burger Buns

Soft 'n' Light Quarter Ponder Burger buns.4 Buns for 1.20 

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Tomato Bread

This is a complex recipe that I created. It took a bit of tinkering to perfect but well worth it.

I used my sourdough starter that I use in a few of my breads, this produces a natural yeast (which means less baker's yeast is used) and gives a slight sour taste that complements the sharpness of  tomato passata and the sweetness of the sun-dried tomatoes, combined with slow roasted garlic, fresh rosemary and cold pressed olive oil, makes an excellent bread that can be be served with cheese, cold meats, grilled fish, grilled vegetables, pasta the possibilities are endless.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Hot Dog Cookies

These Hot Dog Cookies are so fun and colourful. I made these for the kids school Festa. The only trouble was they looked so much like real Hot Dogs it confused them!!
I made them from using a sweet cookie dough with lemon zest and lemon icing. Red and yellow food colouring was to make the sausages and mustard (lemon icing)  

Available in a bag of six cookies 1.20 or a party plate including popcorn 3.50

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Pitta Bread

Chewy Chocolate Cookies

Classic American style crispy, chewy cookies.
with dark chocolate chunks and a  hint of malt and nutmeg.

Perfect for any occasion !!

If you would like me to bake you some cookies they are four for 1€ min order of two 

Saturday 9 June 2012

Marble Rye Bread

Marble Rye Bread

This is a fabulous sandwich loaf, made from a mixture of light rye flour and wheat flour with the traditional rye bread flavor of caraway seeds. I didn't use molasses that is used often for with this bread instead I used malt barley syrup. The dark rye has a little cocoa. You can't taste the cocoa it complements the barley and nuttiness of the rye flour very well. 

As you can see it makes a very eye catching sandwich. One of the best Deli breads around. Most popularly used to make a Reuben Sandwich. I made my own twist of a Reuben sandwich and used smoked gammon, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, Swiss chard with a smudge of mustard, lightly grilled

And in the morning the kids had apple, raisin and brie with a twist of orange zest and cinnamon. (lucky Kids !!)

This bread takes sandwiches to a whole new standard.....!!

Friday 8 June 2012

Cinnamon loaf

 A light sweet dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar rolled into a loaf. I believe there are no two better combined flavors that can welcome you to the breakfast table.

A slice of this makes a quick and easy snack anytime of the day. 

Made into french toast served with your favorite topping what more could you ask for?

Thursday 7 June 2012

Sun Dried Tomato Ciabatta

Sun-dried Ciabatta with Provencal herbs and cold pressed olive oil. Made using traditional Italian methods. Known as slipper bread due to it's shape.

These summer flavours add excitement to any occasion. Such a versatile bread. Topped with olive oil and lightly roasted can turn it into the perfect Bruschetta.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Ordering and Prices

If you want place an order, please send me an email with your requests.
Note: It can take up to 2 days to prepare some of the breads.

Collection from my house (located in Lousã 3200 Portugal).
Delivery is possible, within the surrounding areas.

All loaves 2€ each

Croissants, Chocolate or Cheese/ham 1€ each

Teacakes, Hot Cross buns and Lemon sugared buns 0,50€ each

Pitas 4 for 1€

Place an order here by email or use the form below.

Contact form


Here is a selection of buns that I make. All my buns are hand made and crafted, then cooked in a wood burning stove. I can bake the following to order:
  • Teacakes
  • Chelsea buns
  • Chocolate swirls
  • Hot cross buns
  • Croissants

Hot Cross Buns

Chocolate Swirls


Chelsea Buns

Hi and Welcome!

Hi and welcome! This is my first post for Hobby Bakehouse. My name is Clare Paula and I live in Lousã, central Portugal. I am originally from England and have worked for many years in the catering industry. I have a love for cooking foods from around the World, but I especially love to bake!
My aim for this blog is to show some of the bread I make, and if you are local you can order some! Email Me
Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog, I hope you enjoy it.